
June 3, 2024


A significant number of people living in Florida will be surprised to hear that most dental problems can be easily prevented if a person goes for regular dental cleanings every six months. Everyone brushes and flosses regularly, but that is not sufficient in some cases, and the assistance of dentists at Lakewood Ranch is needed. Let us have a look at why dental cleanings are so important.

  • Prevention of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

One of the significant benefits of getting regular dental cleanings is the prevention of gum disease and tooth decay. As plaque constantly forms around the teeth, it needs to be removed through dental cleaning, or it will turn into tartar when hardened and result in gingivitis and cavities. Gingivitis, which is the early stage of gum disease, will eventually progress into the severe stage known as periodontitis, which can potentially cause the loss of teeth.

  • Early Detection of Dental Problems

Regular dental visits help to detect or identify any underlying dental problem at an early stage through proper examination of the dental health of a person, which a dentist generally does when a person visits for dental check-ups or cleanings. Early detection enables a dentist to deal with the problem when it is minor and prevent it from turning into a significant issue that needs much more extensive treatment.

  • Maintaining a Bright and Clean Smile

A plethora of people are pretty conscious of aesthetic appearance, which can be enhanced through regular dental cleanings because, over time, the teeth get stained due to the consumption of numerous foods, drinks, and smoking. Through cleaning, the dentist removes such stains, which helps a person to put a radiant and confident smile forward.

  • Health Benefits Beyond the Mouth

The significance of dental health extends well beyond merely oral health. Numerous studies and research have shown a strong link between oral health and systemic conditions like diabetes, respiratory infections, and heart disease. Such situations can arise because of inflammation and bacteria present inside the mouth that make an entrance into the bloodstream. Regular cleanings get rid of such bacteria and inflammation inside the mouth, promoting better health overall.

  • Cost-Effective Preventative Care

Regular dental cleanings are generally considered a more cost-effective alternative, particularly when compared to the expenses of getting treatment if the dental problems get worse. By investing in cleanings, a person can significantly avoid such costly treatments because oral health is going to remain optimal.

Book an appointment with a professional!

It is suggested that a dentist visits every six months for dental cleanings to make sure the oral health stays good and no problems develop. A dentist gives personalized oral health advice according to the specific needs of the visitor.

Over two-thirds (69%) of adults aged 35 to 44 in Kokoma had lost one or more permanent teeth. That implies you – or someone you know – are likely aware of how frustrating having a lost tooth can be. 

Periodontal disease, decay, accident, or genetics are among possible causes of tooth loss. Dental repair has advanced far beyond the ancient method of filling in the gap caused by a missing tooth with carved stone, and dental implants and bridges constitute two of the most common modern treatments. If you need dental implants or bridges, contact Kokomo family dentistry for more information. 

Which is a better option and why– Dental implants or Bridges?

With the proper maintenance, implants can last for many years or even a lifetime. They also fit well with adjacent teeth, unlike dental bridges, which damage the teeth adjacent to them and cause more tooth loss over time. If a person has received a dental bridge, they will find it hard to floss and brush. 

However, flossing thoroughly surrounding a dental implant is much easier. Although implants involve an extensive surgical operation, once properly put, they can be maintained as actual teeth and form a part of the mouth instead of bridges.

Implants are favored over bridges because they mimic natural teeth, whereas dental bridges produce poor aesthetic results. A bridge only replaces the missing tooth and provides no other benefit. 

Implants emerge from the gum line in the same way that natural teeth do. Moreover, they have a root identical to a genuine tooth, and the quality and thickness of this root improve over time as a result of the stress generated on the implants.

Pros of Dental Implants

There are a lot of benefits to getting dental implants. These are just a few. 

  • Dental implants are durable and natural-looking. 
  • Dental implants can help you obtain better dental health.
  • Dental implants improve your chewing and biting abilities.

Cons of Dental Implants 

Looking at these benefits, you may wonder, “Is an implant better than a bridge?” There are a few possible cons to this option. 

  • It requires surgery. 
  • Dental implants are not suitable for everyone.
  • Dental implants cost more than bridges.

Pros of Dental Bridges

You are likely thinking, “Okay, so can I receive a bridge rather than an implant?” It could be a choice; here are a few of the numerous benefits of dental bridges. 

  • They are less intrusive than implants. 
  • Dental bridges can be installed in just a few weeks. 
  • Dental bridges are cheaper to install. 

Cons of Dental Bridges 

Implants or bridges: which is better? While dental bridges have many benefits, there are a few cons. 

  • Dental bridges rely on nearby teeth for support. 
  • Dental bridges could fail to last for as long as implants.

It is crucial to inculcate good oral hygiene habits in your children in order to establish a strong foundation for their permanent dentition. These habits pave the way for a smooth transition into adulthood. Columbia pediatric dentistry specialists strive to create a friendly environment for their young patients. They offer comprehensive and compassionate pediatric dentistry for every child. 

Pediatric dentistry, also known as pedodontics, is a branch of dentistry that deals with the evaluation and management of dental problems in children. It focuses on the maintenance and improvement of oral health in children. You must begin assessing your child’s oral health the moment their first tooth arrives and continue caring for their teeth as they grow old. Pediatric dentists are specially trained to treat babies and teenagers up to age 18.

The significant role of pediatric dentistry

Here is a comprehensive guide to the role of pediatric dentistry:

  • Pediatric dentistry focuses on primary oral care among children since they are at an increased risk of developing dental problems. This is due to unhealthy eating habits and poor oral hygiene. When oral health is neglected, the body suffers, and your child is unable to eat or drink anything, leading to nutritional deficiencies. 
  • Caring for baby teeth is important since it paves the way for permanent teeth and forms a foundation that needs to be strong. Regular parent and patient education and decay prevention are the top priorities of pediatric dentistry. 
  • It also aims to reduce anxiety and fear among young children by providing a relaxing environment to instill a positive attitude towards dentists. 
  • Furthermore, through primary oral care, dental issues can be detected early and treated effectively to prevent future complications. 

Types of treatments offered in pediatric dentistry

Depending on your child’s age and oral health needs, pediatric dentists offer the following procedures:

Oral examinations and X-rays: Dental exams and X-rays help detect any underlying decay or other problems (such as abscesses) from the permanent teeth that have not erupted.

Parent counseling: This forms the essence of primary oral care since educating the parents helps spread awareness easily who are the prime caretakers of the kids. 

Teeth cleaning: Special ultrasonic instruments are used to gently remove any debris or plaque from the tooth surface. It is advisable to visit the dentist every 6 months for maintenance.

Preventive procedures: These are in the form of dental sealants and fluoride application to prevent plaque and bacteria from harming the enamel layer.  

Fillings/restorations: Dentists can effectively restore the child’s tooth with either traditional metal or tooth-colored fillings. 

Bottom line 

Pediatric dentistry specialists are well-trained to handle young children to ease their anxiety. They also help create a calm and relaxing environment to ensure children develop a healthy relationship with the dentist to enhance their oral health. 

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