
April 2022


It comes when dental issues seem to be out of hand, hence needing a prompt medical response. This often comes from various aspects such as bleeding, injuries, and excruciating pain. The good thing is that dental care centers are willing to offer a helping hand. They focus on your individual needs, then suggest procedures that will suit your needs. Concentrating on your medical history and current examinations can quickly tell the source of your dental issues. You may have a question: what are the indicators that you need emergency dental care? Here are some of the telltale signs. But first, book an appointment with Dr. Marvin Taylor.

Severe Jaw Swelling

If you have any form of swelling in your jaw, pay a visit to a dentist quickly. It gives the medical team enough time to determine the problem and proactively remedy it. Different aspects can cause such swelling, starting with viral infections. It results in the swelling of the lymph nodes, which then extends to the jaw area, making it appear fuller.

It could also be a tooth abscess, a dental condition arising from bacterial entry into the tooth’s pulp. If left untreated, it can spread to the surrounding tissues, including the jaw area. This will later cause some form of swelling. A cosmetic dentist can do necessary tests and identify the primary cause during emergency dental care.

Extreme Tooth Pain

If you are experiencing tooth pain that starts and accelerates quickly, you may also need these dental services. A normal tooth has nerve endings that connect with the nervous system. What happens is that sometimes, the enamel, which is the protecting part, can wear off and expose the inner layers.

This often makes the teeth feel more sensitive, especially when eating or drinking. Sometimes gum disease leads to the teeth roots’ exposure, bringing the same effect as when the enamel is corroded.

Bleeding Gums That Won’t Stop

If you have been struggling with bleeding gums, you are a good candidate for emergency dentistry services. This is because this is a sign that you could be having gum disease. On the other hand, plaque buildup can interfere with the gum lining, leading to bleeding. 

A dentist can treat gingivitis, an ultimate solution to the problem. They also guide you on the best dental hygienic practices to adopt in ensuring the sound health of your gums and teeth.

Suddenly Loose Permanent Tooth

Sometimes, teeth can feel more loose than usual, which can also indicate gum disease. The bond between the teeth, gum, and jaw bone typically needs to be strong for the teeth to be mechanically firm. An emergency dentistry service focuses on what is weakening the bond. It could be through treating any gum disease and guidance on the best lifestyle changes to adopt as a person.

In conclusion, emergency dental care services are fundamental in many ways. The procedures can significantly enhance dental health, from jaw swelling and tooth pain to teeth loosening. The important thing is finding a dentist who is exemplary in the field to offer the best services.

Astrology is the study of the relationship between heavenly bodies and human affairs. It’s a traditional science that has been around for ages but only recently gained popularity in the Western world. There are several reasons why one should enroll for an Astrology Character Reading Consultation Session.

To know about one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Astrology Character Reading Consultation Session allows one to know about oneself their strengths, weaknesses and what can be done to overcome the weakness. One can also use their strengths to help others.

For example, if you are born under the sign of Libra and your strength is that you have a good heart and care for other people, then you should use that in helping others who need help. Take an example of a person whose strength is that they are good at writing but have problems with communication skills which leads them to misunderstandings at times; then they should work on improving their communication skills so as to avoid misunderstandings when communicating with another person or group of people.

To know about one’s best direction of action.

An astrology reading can help you find out about one’s strengths and weaknesses. It will also reveal one’s best direction of action based on the placement of their birth planets. A well-informed decision is always better than an impulsive decision.

You will be able to know about your best career prospects, the kind of work that suits you the most and where to apply for such jobs.

To gain insight into oneself and others for personal growth.

This session is a great way to gain insight into oneself and others for personal growth. Astrology can help you understand yourself and others better, as well as what the best way to deal with people may be. Astrology offers a deeper understanding of strengths and weaknesses, as well as the best direction of action.

To enhance relationships with spouse, boss and children.

Astrological character reading can be used to improve relationships with spouse, boss and children. Astrology is an old science that has been around for thousands of years. It is a science that studies the movements and positions of celestial bodies in relation to each other. The planets and stars influence our lives on earth through the gravitational pull they exert over it.

Astrology is also believed to be able to predict how one will react in certain situations based on their birth chart or natal chart, which are divided into houses representing different phases of life like career prospects, marriage status etc.

To improve one’s career prospects.

The purpose of a career is to provide the means for you to create a stable income so that you can enjoy the benefits of financial security and professional achievement. It also allows you to fulfill your potential as an individual.

A career reading can help you find out if it’s time for a change in your job or if there are any opportunities awaiting you that would fit better with who you are as a person. Reading can also reveal ways in which your personal growth could lead to more satisfying work experiences in the future.


As you can see from this list, the potential benefits of character reading are vast. If you want to learn more about yourself or another person, then enrolling on one of these sessions is a great way to go about it. And who knows? You might even discover something that will change your life.

Most patients experiencing flu symptoms cannot get out of bed and resume work or school. The misery of experiencing body aches, fever, and chills can make you feel weak and tired, not to mention the nasal congestion that makes it difficult for you to breathe. Here are some home remedies that you can try to alleviate your Houston flu symptoms to help you get back to normal:

Chicken soup

When an infection happens inside your body, a specific white blood cell called neutrophils travels to the infected site to fight the disease. The best way to get relief faster is to slow down the movement of neutrophils to build up at the site and thus help with healing. Chicken soup can help with that. Moreover, you get additional nutrition and hydration when you drink chicken soup.


 The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey can help you find relief from your flu symptoms. This treatment is beneficial as a cough suppressant in kids helping them fall asleep more soundly. All you need is to make a cup of tea and add a little bit of honey. Your muscles will relax after consuming the tea, thus significantly reducing the severity of your cough symptoms.


Adding ginger root to boiling water is a popular treatment respected worldwide for its curative properties. If you have a cough or sore throat resulting from your flu, it would be best to consider using ginger to get relief.


Allicin is a component in garlic that contributes to its antimicrobial properties. Care providers recommend adding garlic supplements to your diet to lower your risk of getting flu symptoms. Alternatively, you can crush some garlic and add it to boiling water and inhale or drink the water to improve your condition.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is famous for its wide range of benefits. You might be familiar with the significance of vitamin C in improving your skin and hair. This vitamin can also boost your immune system and thus clear up your cold. Some places to derive Vitamin C include lemons, grapes, oranges, and leafy vegetables. If you have a cough, try making lemonade and drink it cold or hot to reduce phlegm.


There is no better way to improve your gut and immune health than by taking probiotics. These foods and supplements can help reduce your chances of getting sick with the flu. You can try taking yogurt as a dessert since it is an excellent source of beneficial bacteria.


Add a bit of salt into the water and gargle the solution in your mouth. Saltwater can improve the severity of your symptoms by loosening the mucus that contains the bacteria and allergens that make you sick.

Consult your doctor

If all the home remedies you try do not offer relief, and instead, your symptoms become worse, it may be time to seek medical intervention to determine the root cause of your condition. Your care provider will conduct necessary tests to understand the location of your respiratory infection and thus develop an ideal approach to help treat your symptoms. If you have any questions about the progress of your flu symptoms, contact Fulshear Medical Associates to learn about the treatments available to help you improve your symptoms.

Why do we sleep? You can agree with me; a good sleep after a long day feels heavenly. Adequate sleep has several health benefits: improved metabolism, relaxed and alert mind, improved immune system, boosted energy levels, and more. Unfortunately, most individuals do not meet the seven or nine hours required for sleep due to different distractions such as sleep apnea. The specialists in sleep apnea in Commack at Chase Dental Sleepcare aim to improve your sleep by providing treatments for your condition. Please keep reading to understand what it is all about.

What is sleep apnea?

It is a condition that causes your breathing to stop repeatedly while you are asleep. Sleep apnea occurs in two different types.

Obstructive Sleep apnea

People experience this type of sleep apnea more compared to other sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea results from the throat muscles’ relaxation, blocking your air passage. It results in the air not reaching your lungs, interfering with your sleep.

Central sleep apnea

When your brain fails to send signals to manage your breathing while sleeping, it occurs. There is no airway blockage like obstructive sleep apnea; instead, the nerves fail to signal to breathe.

Complex sleep apnea involves both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

The symptoms are the same for all types of sleep apnea, and they include:

  • Morning headaches
  • Snoring
  • Waking up out of breath
  • Gasping during sleep
  • Waking up abruptly

When not treated, sleep apnea can become risky; it may also cause increased heart rate and low oxygen levels. When the condition occurs repeatedly, it may harm your body.

The following conditions may also result from sleep apnea.

  • Mood disorders
  • Heart failures
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Sleep apnea affects your sleep quality, which may interfere with your daily activities, including driving or using machinery.

What are the risk factors associated with sleep apnea?

You are at risk of getting sleep apnea when you have the following.

  • heart disorders
  • excess body weight
  • stroke
  • smoking
  • being male
  • use of opioids and sedatives
  • narrowed airways

What are the treatments for sleep apnea?

After finding out you have sleep apnea, the team at Chase Dental Sleepcare can assist you in finding the right treatments. They begin with a thorough diagnosis, where they conduct an airway assessment to evaluate the cause of your sleep apnea.

Your provider may also perform a sleep study on you for a more accurate diagnosis. The treatment options for sleep apnea at Chase Dental SleepCare include:

  • continuous positive airway pressure
  • oral appliance therapy
  • epigenetics
  • surgery

You can also solve your sleep apnea through lifestyle modifications such as stopping smoking and achieving a healthy weight.

Sleep is essential for your health; it promotes your immune, improves heart health, encourages weight loss, improves your alertness, lowers stress, and prevents inflammation, among other health benefits. It is advisable to get enough sleep, which the doctors tell to be around seven to nine hours every night.

Sleep apnea stops your breathing repeatedly during your sleep, which may cause you to wake up many times, disrupting your sleep. Without inadequate sleep, your body may not function properly, causing fatigue and lack of concentration during the day. Let sleep apnea specialists at Chase Dental SleepCare help you restore your healthy sleep pattern. Please reach out today to book your appointment.

An attractive smile always makes a statement; you cannot just ignore it. I would be lying if I didn’t say everyone is mindful of their smile appearance. That is how powerful a smile is; it can make you insecure and less confident or make you the happiest person in the world. The New York City cosmetic dentistry, at Manhattan Dental Design provides you with everything you need to make your smile better. Here are among the cosmetic dentistry services to expect.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

It is a dental field that focuses on improving your smile through different dental techniques. Besides enhancing your smile appearance, cosmetic dentistry promotes your teeth function and restores your self-esteem.

Your provider tailors your treatment to correct your smile concerns and meet your goals. Manhattan Dental Design offers advanced techniques in cosmetic dentistry to give your best smile through the following cosmetic dentistry procedures.


Misaligned teeth may not be the best ones for an attractive smile. You might want to use Invisalign to achieve a straight smile. Your provider places aligners on your teeth that cause your teeth to move over time.

Your Invisalign provider prepares a set of customized trays placed on your teeth to move your teeth gradually.


Veneers improve your smile appearance by correcting your teeth’ shape, size, and color. They are thin tooth shells customized to cover your teeth’ front surface, improving your smile. Your cosmetic dentist uses a special dental cement to bond them to your teeth.

Veneers effectively correct different teeth issues such as teeth discoloration, damaged teeth, misshapen, or widely spaced teeth.

Smile makeover

A smile makeover is a comprehensive treatment to enhance your smile. It involves a combination of different cosmetic dentistry services to enhance your smile. Some of the procedures performed include teeth whitening, dental implants, crowns, and veneers, among others.

There is no smile makeover similar to the other; your provider designs your smile makeover in line with your dental concerns affecting your smile. Your provider performs an extensive examination before starting the procedure to identify the precise needs of every person.

After identifying your dental concerns, they recommend suitable treatment options to enhance your smile. Their primary focus is to make you happy and content with your smile.

Porcelain crowns

They are tooth caps placed over the whole tooth to restore their function and improve the smile. Crowns are reasonable solutions for damaged teeth, and they prevent extraction. Your provider works with you to recommend the best porcelain crown, depending on your specific needs.

Cosmetic dentistry is here to save the world of smiles. There is no excuse for not having a good smile. The team at Manhattan Dental Design provides you with everything you need to restore your smile.

Do not be left behind while others enjoy the benefits of a beautiful natural smile. The time is now to improve your smile and confidence, to make your life better in general. Talk with the experts today for more information. Contact Manhattan Dental Design today to schedule your consultation.

It feels good to know you can access your doctor at any time of your convenience. This is made possible by the San Antonio concierge medicine services providers. Having an internal doctor allows you to experience more personalized and enhanced care. It is a worthy investment considering the troubles you get through when seeking health services from regular doctors in the traditional patient-doctor setting. If you switch to concierge medicine, you will enjoy having access to the exact type of care you need at any time. The benefits of internal medicine are elaborated herein.

Improved Relationships with Your Doctor

You will develop a strong bond with your doctor to facilitate a better patient-doctor relationship with concierge medicine. It is crucial to have such a relationship with your caregiver since it enables you to develop confidence and give accurate information. It will also help you be willing to follow through with the treatment directions and preventative recommendations. This will improve your overall well-being since you will seek help even for the embarrassing situations you might be facing but think that are too personal such as reproductive problems.

Get Immediate and Constant Access to Health Care

Sometimes immediate care is required when medical emergencies like a heart attack or stroke occur. Sometimes you can experience potentially dangerous delays as you try to access urgent care from regular providers. But internal medicine can eliminate the barriers since you get 24/7 direct access to your health care team. Even when you are unsure what to do as you seek emergency care, you can quickly consult your doctor immediately and will not have second thoughts about handling the situation at hand.

Avoid Long Waiting Periods

It is always discouraging having to wait for several hours to see the doctor or receive the services you need through the regular system. But a concierge medical provider can regulate the number of patients they receive, meaning you will wait for more minors in the queue. Your doctor will have more control over their availability, and you can easily see them most of the time you wish. Getting your appointment the same day allows you to address your health issue without delay, which could deteriorate if otherwise and affect the type of treatment you will receive.

Adequate Time for Your Appointment

Since your doctor regulates the number of patients they see, it allows them to allocate adequate time to every patient, unlike regular primary care physicians. Your doctor will not be under pressure and give you the attention you need. Adequate time will also help you express yourself well to your doctor and thoroughly examine your issue, making it easier to identify the problem and find the most suitable treatment. The extra time can also allow patient advice and education on healthy living.

Look Into All Aspects of Your Care

Some health issues may require several approaches to be taken for effective management. Your doctor needs to evaluate different aspects of your condition to determine the best approach to take. Since your concierge doctor has more time, they will listen to your issues and evaluate how every aspect is related to your condition. Based on their findings, they will make proper connections and accurate diagnoses and collaborate with other health providers.

Overall, internal medicine is the new way to go about your health care business. Learn more about the services you can receive by contacting Fit-Life MD concierge medicine services providers. Book your appointment today and set your path to enjoying goodies.

Considering how inexpensively they can be operated and how much money they can make, it’s not a surprise that there are so many internet casinos today. Many local casino players are now making the switch to the online alternative. The convenience and same level of gaming experience that online casinos can offer are significant factors. If you are new to online casino gaming at ufabet, then take a look at the most recommended online casino games for you to try.


There are now different online slots games available, both the old-fashioned fruit machines that you can find in all good casinos and the modern and more advanced versions of the game. The latter has more features, like wild and scatter symbols and interactive bonus rounds that many players love.


The stakes are so high in this game that it is best suited for those who can afford to make larger wagers. Online baccarat game is a popular option for those who don’t have the time or opportunity to learn the ins and outs of casino games.


For centuries, people have gathered to play this card game. Blackjack is now available as a live dealer online game. The rules are weighted in the player’s favor in blackjack, making it more desirable even for beginners.


In this game, there are no fast shortcuts to winning. Poker variants include five-card draw, Texas Hold’em, Omaha, and 7 Card Stud. The convenience of playing poker online has made it particularly popular.


This is one of the often played casino games out there. It is also most recommended for beginners since you may play it alone or alongside other players. There is a good chance of winning with even money wagers placed on either red or black.


In this casino game, two dice are rolled at the same time. Players skilled at craps have an advantage over the game’s randomness. If you choose to play craps, you should first familiarize yourself with the gameplay before you start playing for real money.


Because of the high value of the prizes, people are looking to try their luck at the online lottery. Still, it is best to acquire lottery tickets only from reputable sources when playing the lottery online. Prizes can be won by using numbers and symbols selected at random.

It is the players’ prerogative to choose the most popular online casino games to play. However, certain popular casino game genres may be better suited for newbies. If you’ve never played online casino games before, start with something simple, like slots or roulette. Are you looking for best casino tournaments in India? Then look no further! We have listed top online casinos where you can play various games like slots, roulette, blackjack etc.


Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that can cause swelling in the legs and ankles. Varicose veins are often found in the legs, but they can also develop in other body parts. The condition causes aching pain at times. They are pretty common, especially in older people. However, many younger individuals get these unsightly and uncomfortable veins too. These enlargements of the veins that occur most often in the legs can lead to phlebitis and other severe conditions if not treated properly. Read on if you want to know more about them and treat them naturally. If your varicose veins do not respond to any of these treatments, it may be time for you to see an Orlando varicose veins specialist for professional help.


Exercise can be a great way to help prevent the development of varicose veins. Exercise enhances circulation and helps keep your blood flowing smoothly throughout your body. This is true for both upper and lower extremities, which means that exercise benefits not only your legs but also your feet. It may seem counter-intuitive to think that some form of exercise would be a good treatment for varicose veins. After all, that’s the opposite of what you need to do if you sit too much and get cramps in your legs. However, this exercise is designed to help your muscles and therefore indirectly your blood vessels – remain strong and healthy.

Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are available at many pharmacies. They can be worn during the day or night, depending on what your doctor recommends. This compression hose applies pressure to the veins in your legs and encourages them to remain more compact and robust. As a result, you will get less pain from varicose veins. It’s also good for your feet because it stops fluid retention, eventually leading to swelling.

Plant Extracts

Several plant extracts can be quite effective for treating varicose veins. Different cultures have used these remedies for centuries to help people deal with this problem. Some of the most common include horse chestnut, which many cultures have used for centuries. Horse chestnut is known to strengthen blood vessel walls. Butcher’s broom is another plant extract that helps with circulation, skin tone, and varicose veins. Witch hazel also works well for this problem because it reduces swelling in the legs, leading to varicose veins.

Diet Modifications

Losing just a few pounds can dramatically affect varicose veins if you are overweight. The excess weight puts pressure on the legs, making the veins worse. When you lose even five or ten pounds, it can relieve that pressure and help your blood vessels be more open and robust. You should avoid high-sodium foods, including processed meats, canned vegetables, and most takeout dishes. Instead, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. This will help the healing process.

In summary, you can treat your varicose veins quite quickly if you make the right lifestyle changes. By eating well and exercising, you maintain strong blood vessels and not exacerbate this problem. Another critical factor is to avoid standing for long periods because this also puts pressure on your veins.

When you have a newborn or move to a new location with your kid, selecting the right physician is crucial. In addition to picking a skilled and compassionate professional, you will also need to get a practitioner who is familiar with kids’ health conditions. Though, as a young mother, you are always torn between seeing a pediatrician or a family doctor for your kid’s health requirements. Nevertheless, a pediatrician is an ideal specialist to see as they are solely concerned with your baby’s health. Located in Miami, FL, KIDZCHOICE Pediatrics offers a full scope of pediatric services for your kid from infancy to adolescence. Read on to find out why you should select a pediatrician for your kids’ health.

Pediatricians Are Professionals in Child Development

No physician is as well-versed in your kid’s growth than a pediatrician. A pediatrician solely serves children and adolescents aged 21 and younger. For this reason, they are skilled and experienced in healthcare concerns that are particular to kids, including tracking your kid’s developmental stages and assisting you in meeting all of your kid’s health needs from birth through young adulthood.

Pediatricians Are Experts in Kid’s Conditions 

Pediatricians are quite knowledgeable in the manifestations of injuries and medical conditions in kids. Certain diseases are more prevalent in kids than in adults, and children might present a wide range of symptoms, necessitating a range of prescriptions and therapies. Additionally, if your kid has a chronic illness or had a premature birth, specialized pediatrics will be beneficial to him or her. For instance, a kid with asthma should be constantly monitored by a pediatrician.

Pediatricians Understand How to Talk With Youngsters

From non talking newborns to adolescents establishing their brains, kids communicate differently to adults. Pediatricians have received special training in how to communicate with kids and identify their health requirements.

At the clinic, the pediatrics strive to develop a welcoming, inviting environment that makes kids feel at ease. They pay close attention to the various methods in which kids communicate, whether they are too little to speak, talkative, or shy; this involves promoting an active, healthy lifestyle for your kid.

Pediatricians are also aware of the necessity of connecting with the child’s parents. They are always delighted to respond to questions you may have regarding your baby’s development and assist you to promote healthy growth for your kid at home.

What To Anticipate During Your Kid’s Pediatric Visit?

At the pediatric practice in Florida, the staff provides warm, family-friendly settings with reduced wait times and separate waiting bays for well and sickly kids. Your pediatrician works with you and your family to arrange appointments that are convenient for you and your child.

During your first appointment, your pediatrician sits with you to find out more about your kid, including an assessment of their health history, as well as any concerns or questions you might have. Acknowledging the unique needs of children, the pediatrician will go out of their way to ensure they are comfortable, which involves interacting with your kid in a child-friendly manner, offering care and compassion, and tailoring your kid’s therapy.

Pediatricians are physicians who focus on the treatment of infants till late adolescence or early adulthood. They have a lot of experience detecting and managing prevalent childhood illnesses. With an emphasis on preventative care, they assist youngsters to avoid falling ill and spot early indicators of slow-progressing illnesses. Find a skilled pediatrician & pediatric neurologist in Miami, FL by calling the office or using the online scheduling tool to request an appointment today. 

Ptosis is when the upper eyelid droops or lowers due to loss of support from the levator muscle. This results in the person needing to lift their eyelids. Otherwise, they will be unable to see correctly. One common issue associated with ptosis is that it can result in what is known as ‘lazy eye’ symptoms, which can affect the person’s vision. It also means the person will have to exert much more effort to keep their eyelid lifted, which can cause strain or pain. If you have ptosis, you may want to visit an oculofacial plastic surgeon with experience in treating ptosis in Peoria.


Several factors can lead to ptosis. These include muscle or nerve damage, injury, the use of certain drugs, and more. Sometimes ptosis is congenital, which means it’s present at birth due to a problem with the development of the facial musculature. However, in most cases, there are no apparent causes for ptosis. 

Signs and Symptoms

Before visiting your Peoria oculofacial plastic surgeon, you may want to consider how severe your ptosis is. Suppose it’s causing you significant problems with your vision. In that case, if the eyelid hasn’t been able to open for a year or more fully, or if it’s causing any significant pain or fatigue when trying to keep the eyelids lifted, you may want to consider getting it treated.

Symptoms of ptosis include the following:

  • Eyelid unable to fully open or else partially close when awake
  • Asymmetry in the eyelid (mainly noticeable with age)
  • The lower eyelid sags down or fails to move adequately
  • One pupil may be bigger than the other

Certain conditions, such as thyroid disease, can lead to ptosis. If you have any signs of this condition, your physician will likely perform an eye exam to check for this.


Your surgeon should be able to diagnose ptosis through a simple exam. To check for ptosis, they’ll need to look at how much your eyelids can open when you’re wide awake. It’s common for pupils to be dimmer in one eye than the other, but if this is highly noticeable or asymmetrical, it may indicate a problem with your optic nerve. If you have signs of thyroid disease, your surgeon may order blood tests to check hormone levels.

Treatment Options

The first step in treating ptosis is determining the underlying cause. This will dictate how you should treat your condition. For congenital ptosis, surgery is usually required to correct it. For example, if the levator muscle has been damaged or destroyed by inflammation, your surgeon may recommend elevating the muscle, replacing it, or using a tissue graft as needed.

For those with eyelid ptosis due to nerve damage, like Bell’s palsy, the last thing you want is surgery on your drooping eyelids. Instead, patients with this type of ptosis will be prescribed anti-inflammatory medications and steroids to reduce the severity of the condition. However, in severe cases, surgery may be required.

In summary, ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelid droops or lowers due to loss of support from the levator muscle. Most people develop ptosis due to nerve or muscle damage, but some congenital factors can cause it. Diagnosis is relatively easy and depends on the severity of your symptoms. You will likely want to visit an experienced oculofacial plastic surgeon if your ptosis is severe or you have any signs of eyelid ptosis due to nerve damage, like Bell’s palsy.

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