Why do we sleep? You can agree with me; a good sleep after a long day feels heavenly. Adequate sleep has several health benefits: improved metabolism, relaxed and alert mind, improved immune system, boosted energy levels, and more. Unfortunately, most individuals do not meet the seven or nine hours required for sleep due to different distractions such as sleep apnea. The specialists in sleep apnea in Commack at Chase Dental Sleepcare aim to improve your sleep by providing treatments for your condition. Please keep reading to understand what it is all about.

What is sleep apnea?

It is a condition that causes your breathing to stop repeatedly while you are asleep. Sleep apnea occurs in two different types.

Obstructive Sleep apnea

People experience this type of sleep apnea more compared to other sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea results from the throat muscles’ relaxation, blocking your air passage. It results in the air not reaching your lungs, interfering with your sleep.

Central sleep apnea

When your brain fails to send signals to manage your breathing while sleeping, it occurs. There is no airway blockage like obstructive sleep apnea; instead, the nerves fail to signal to breathe.

Complex sleep apnea involves both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

The symptoms are the same for all types of sleep apnea, and they include:

  • Morning headaches
  • Snoring
  • Waking up out of breath
  • Gasping during sleep
  • Waking up abruptly

When not treated, sleep apnea can become risky; it may also cause increased heart rate and low oxygen levels. When the condition occurs repeatedly, it may harm your body.

The following conditions may also result from sleep apnea.

  • Mood disorders
  • Heart failures
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Sleep apnea affects your sleep quality, which may interfere with your daily activities, including driving or using machinery.

What are the risk factors associated with sleep apnea?

You are at risk of getting sleep apnea when you have the following.

  • heart disorders
  • excess body weight
  • stroke
  • smoking
  • being male
  • use of opioids and sedatives
  • narrowed airways

What are the treatments for sleep apnea?

After finding out you have sleep apnea, the team at Chase Dental Sleepcare can assist you in finding the right treatments. They begin with a thorough diagnosis, where they conduct an airway assessment to evaluate the cause of your sleep apnea.

Your provider may also perform a sleep study on you for a more accurate diagnosis. The treatment options for sleep apnea at Chase Dental SleepCare include:

  • continuous positive airway pressure
  • oral appliance therapy
  • epigenetics
  • surgery

You can also solve your sleep apnea through lifestyle modifications such as stopping smoking and achieving a healthy weight.

Sleep is essential for your health; it promotes your immune, improves heart health, encourages weight loss, improves your alertness, lowers stress, and prevents inflammation, among other health benefits. It is advisable to get enough sleep, which the doctors tell to be around seven to nine hours every night.

Sleep apnea stops your breathing repeatedly during your sleep, which may cause you to wake up many times, disrupting your sleep. Without inadequate sleep, your body may not function properly, causing fatigue and lack of concentration during the day. Let sleep apnea specialists at Chase Dental SleepCare help you restore your healthy sleep pattern. Please reach out today to book your appointment.

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