Wisdom teeth may be the most painful part of growing into an adult. However, not everyone gets them or has a painful associated experience. Some may only experience mild discomfort and bleeding, which subsides within a few days. If your wisdom teeth have not yet erupted, you should know the signs before they do. 

The arrival of a wisdom tooth can be painful. It is characterized by severe pain where it becomes difficult to eat and even speak. It is important to know the early warning signs so you can book your appointment with a dentist in Northeast Philadelphia. Here are some signs of wisdom teeth coming in. 

Signs your wisdom teeth are coming in

Pain and discomfort in the back of the mouth. 

One of the most obvious signs of your wisdom tooth coming out is a sharp pain that may occur around the side of the mouth where the tooth is or may radiate to other parts. The pain may be caused by the pressure given by the teeth underneath trying to come out or due to bacterial infection caused by the emerging tooth. At one point, it may even become extremely challenging to open your mouth. 

Gum irritation. 

Another sign of wisdom teeth is gum irritation. However, gum irritation can occur for a number of reasons, which is why it is important to determine the root cause of the problem by visiting a dentist. Gum irritation paired with swelling and toothache can be a sure sign of your wisdom tooth coming out, or it could be an infection. 

Jaw pain and discomfort.

The wisdom tooth tries to come out in a way that it needs to push the existing teeth out of its way in order to create space for itself. This pushing of the surrounding teeth can cause them to move and go out of alignment and put pressure on your jaw. This leads to jaw pain and discomfort and even chronic headaches. You may experience stiffness in your jaw. 

Bad breath or bad taste. 

Bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth is often observed when pieces of food remain stuck in your mouth between the spaces of your teeth or where your wisdom is coming out. These food particles give birth to bacteria, leading to potentially unpleasant odors and tastes. 

In brief, when your wisdom tooth comes out, it can cause a number of symptoms, some more obvious than others. If you are experiencing the same issues, visit your dentist today. 


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