In the human body, the number of cells and tissues present can be overwhelming to remember. However, there are so many benefits of the numerous cells available within the body and the common ones include the white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells. Now, the functions of red blood cells and white blood cells are discussed frequently but the importance of platelets and their responsibility for maintaining a healthy body is still low.

The main responsibility of platelets is to help stop bleeding from any part of the body by producing a blood clot on the spot. Now, one important requirement for the platelets to function right is to keep the body physically fit and healthy. If the number of platelets in the body is low, the ability of the body to cover up for any cuts and bruises goes down significantly. Therefore, it is very important to know how to increase platelet count naturally by practising home remedies on a regular basis. For anyone who wants to know how to increase platelet count in their body, here are some quick home remedies to follow.

#1 Vegetable Rich Diet

The first and the most important home remedy that can easily be incorporated into the lifestyle on a regular basis is to include more vegetables and fruits in your everyday diet. These fruits and vegetables are natural and organic and packed with all the necessary micronutrients I am going to means that help with blood clotting. In addition to that, all green vegetables, especially the leafy ones, have a positive impact on the body in multiple ways, one being a push to increase the level of platelets in the bloodstream.

#2 Say No To Processed Foods

Processed foods and sugar pose multiple threats to the overall well-being of the body and one disadvantage of consuming high amounts of any of these is a drop in the platelet count. This is because unhealthy foods have a direct impact on the production of the platelets within the body and thus push out their ability to function right. Therefore, consuming processed foods in limit can be a good step toward increasing the platelet count in the body.

#3 Drink Milk Daily

Milk is an everyday staple for all households around the world as it is a rich source of protein and calcium for the body. But when people ask how to increase platelet count, medical experts suggest consuming milk as it contains vitamin K which is a necessary contributor to enabling blood clotting. Additionally, it directly has a positive impact and can increase the production of platelets in the bloodstream over time.

#4 Eat Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate is one of the most beneficial fruits that has multiple benefits for the overall body health and well-being. However, for anyone wondering how to increase platelet count with home remedies, consuming pomegranate seeds on a regular basis has a direct impact on the platelet count. This is because it is a rich source of iron and comes with multiple antioxidants that help the body perform better overall in terms of immunity.

In conclusion, almost all fruits and vegetables are beneficial for the body to maintain a healthy inside as well as outside. However, the only thing to remember is which ones to consume when you want to increase your platelet count. Foods rich in iron, vitamin C, B, and B12 directly have a positive impact on the platelet count of the body so, you can also identify supplements that can help you reach your vitamin and mineral requirement while aiding platelet production. To learn more about the different home remedies or lifestyle changes you can incorporate to increase your platelet count and maintain it at the optimum level, discuss it with the doctor to clear any doubts.


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