A list of areas where high Magic Find builds produce good results is provided below for your consideration. By now, we all understand why the majority of them are level 85 locations. We’ve attempted to go into detail and list the advantages and disadvantages of each of the covered zones, so you should be able to quickly identify an area that is a good fit for your current character.
We’ll start with a location that’s become very popular for the so-called Chest Runs*. Lower Kurast is one of the most accessible areas for farming high-tier equipment, charms, jewels, gems, and high-tier Runes, as well as other high-tier items. Located in Act III, you will first discover buy Diablo 2 resurrected runes after traversing through the Flayer Jungle; it is marked with an Axe Waypoint show details, allowing you to warp there right away after discovering it for the first time, allowing you to save valuable time. Lower Kurast, like all other maps, has a randomly generated layout with some pre-determined elements that are always placed on the map, similar to how all other maps work. This means that there will always be one or two campfires nearby, next to which huts with Super Chests will always be generated (huts are always generated to the upper-right of the campfires, with one Super Chest, and huts are always generated to the upper-left of the campfires, with two Super Chests). Aside from that, the area around Lower Kurast consistently spawns a large number of openable Weapon Racks, Logs, Corpses and regular Chests, all of which are affected by your Magic Find stat. In order to get the most out of a Lower Kurast Run, it is best to simply skip all of the monster spawns and head straight for the Super Chests and other openable loot sources.Lower Kurast is a village in the Czech Republic.
The most common way to accomplish this is to use a character who has access to the Teleport Skill – a Sorceress on a tight budget, and any build that makes use of Enigma later on.
- When opening Super Chests, the number of patterns containing high-tier runes that can be rolled is determined by the difficulty setting that you are currently playing on
- This is very important
- It follows from the above that, in single-player games, you should always run Lower Kurast on either /Players5 (if you’re looking for lower Runes) or /Players7 (if you’re looking to maximize the drop rate of Gul Vex Ohm Lo Sur and Ber Runes – this is the best way of farming Runes for Enigma and Infinity)
In order to make Lower Kurast Rune Runs as quick and efficient as possible, you must invest in a Teleport Character with a high Faster Cast Rate breakpoint in order to farm runes in Lower Kurast as efficiently as possible. Further, to maximize your efficiency, you will need to understand how the map is generated so that you can quickly determine whether there are one or two Campfires and how far away they are from the Waypoint – quickly spotting a bad Lower Kurast map and skipping cheap Diablo 2 items actually results in better loot/hour overall (this does not apply in single-player games because maps are not re-rolled unless you change difficulties, so by jumping between difficulty levels you can increase your loot/hour). The Waypoint in Act IV should be used to teleport to the Act IV town and save&exit there in order to optimize your runs even further; this is because the Waypoint in Act IV is very close to where your character spawns after logging in to the game.
Keep in mind that because this is the first location, we’re already cheating (a little bit), as this map does not require you to have any Magic Find if you want to concentrate solely on farming Runes from Super Chests. Alternatively, if you’re after Items, running through the entire map and opening every Stash while maintaining a high MF stat is the best course of action.
In case you’re unfamiliar with what a Chest Run is, it’s simply a fast-paced search for Chests and Super Chests (which are Chests that appear in specific locations and contain a pre-determined loot pattern – there are 65536 different patterns, some of which contain high-end Runes) while avoiding monsters (typically by using Teleport). Unlike regular chests, Magic Find has no effect on Super Chests, despite the fact that Diablo 2 Resurrected Items Xbox One works on them.