As blemishes on the skin are known as spider veins, these hair-thin flaws might drive some people to cover up even in the summer heat. Spider vein removal is not a medical need, but a zap is all it takes to have a spider vein-free complexion for those who desire it. Genetics, estrogen, and maybe progesterone hormones may have a role in the development of spider veins in New York in some individuals but not others. Pregnant women and those on oral contraceptives or hormone replacement treatment are more likely to develop spider veins.
Spider vein removal is safe and straightforward. In some instances, therapy could involve the following:
These are among the most used treatments for spider and varicose veins, respectively. A doctor uses a frothy detergent or concentrated saltwater solution to irritate the blood vessel walls. It results in scar tissue formation, which closes the blood artery. There are alternatives to sclerotherapy for those who are allergic to the solution.
Laser treatment
A laser burns the vein, causing it to shrink and scar. A portable laser for laser hair removal may treat particular minor spider veins. The technique may need a catheter to implant the laser in deeper varicose veins.
Home remedies and treatments
Leg blood flow is improved with the use of compression socks or stockings. Wearing compression stockings may help prevent the development of new spider veins. Sock strengths range from mild pressure socks available over-the-counter to prescription stockings that you can only obtain via a physician’s prescription.
You can avoid spider veins by exercising and losing weight. If you want to prevent blood from pooling in your legs, it is essential to use the muscles in your lower body. Weight loss may help alleviate the strain on your legs, making it more difficult for blood to flow up your veins.
Radiofrequency ablation and endovenous laser therapy
EVLT and RFA are relatively recent developments in cancer therapy. You can use them to avoid having a vein removed surgically in many cases.
If you want to destroy the vein, both therapies target it from the inside out. Spider veins and minor varicose veins may be treated with EVLT by dermatologists. You can treat large varicose veins using RFA.
During these therapies, the following occurs:
- The region to be treated is numbed using a local anesthetic. Swelling is another side effect of the drug.
- For EVLT or RFA, your dermatologist creates a tiny incision and inserts a laser fiber or catheter into the vein.
- Your dermatologist uses a laser or radiofrequency instrument to burn the vein, causing it to collapse and seal shut. The surrounding environment is unaffected by the heat.
- Your doctor will apply compression socks to each leg after therapy.
- Afterward, you may go home after being watched for a short period.
- You will need to take regular walks and use the compression stockings as prescribed to avoid any adverse effects. One to two weeks is the typical length of time patients wear compression stockings for treatment.
- The following day, you may go back to work or do your routine.
For both EVLT and RFA, it takes roughly a year for the treated vein to completely vanish. You may need more than one treatment to get your desired outcome.
According to your symptoms and goals, your doctor may propose a series of treatments for many months before you intend to wear apparel that reveals your legs.