Choose a good doctor
A real specialist will not shower you with promises of an early pregnancy but will certainly tell you about how the procedures are done, and how good the service will be.
Even if it is a highly sought-after specialist, you should have no problem talking to him. It is one of the direct responsibilities of the personal physician to give you sufficient attention, both in person and over the phone.
The doctor will be sure to tell you about the entire treatment process and be sure to listen to your opinion about every step of the way. An experienced doctor treats the patient with respect as an equal partner in the difficult task of treatment, not as an inanimate object. He is obliged to answer your questions in detail, no matter how many questions you have.
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The doctor will not give you false hopes for the effectiveness of the procedure, will not prescribe unnecessary tests, and will be sure to thoroughly question you and review your entire medical history.
In a case like planning your pregnancy, there can be no unnecessary or wrong questions. Your doctor is obliged to satisfy your curiosity. Although it is better to look for alternative sources of information, for example, communicate with women who have already had a baby after IVF.
Demand to see your embryos
A reliable and quality clinic will not hide the result of numerous procedures from you – you have every right to know what is happening. In addition, the doctor will tell you about each stage of development of the future baby and their readiness for introduction into the uterus.
Demand all medical records of the tests and procedures you have undergone
All these documents are very important and are your property because it is about your health. All records pertaining to your entire IVF cycle can and should be carefully reviewed by you, and you have every right to take them with you if you wish. If you want to repeat your IVF attempt or simply continue your treatment at another clinic, you have the right and should take all this data with you – it will save the other doctor from having to gather information in crumbs, as well as forcing you to go through all the tests again.
Keep a positive attitude
Not every embryo transfer guarantees a pregnancy. You need to be aware of this and keep an even mood. High expectations can lead to severe disappointment, and low expectations can spoil your mood and seriously affect the success of the entire procedure. You must understand that the result can be both positive and negative, but you need to keep your spirits up, remember to exercise yourself and not get hung up on pregnancy.
Be attentive and courteous to the nursing staff
These people do everything they can to make sure you get your long-awaited baby. They also do what almost no one else can-they give infertile couples a chance to become parents of a pink-cheeked toddler. These efforts are worthy of respect and recognition. Even if the IVF attempt is unsuccessful, that is no reason to take out your anger and bitterness on those who led you down such a difficult path. In addition, you should understand the failure is not the fault of doctors or staff, but of nature itself, because at first only about 20-30% of IVF attempts end in pregnancy.
Be Patient
Even if your IVF attempt is unsuccessful, that is not a reason to change clinics. If you are satisfied with the quality of service, as well as every step of the procedure, you should take another course, but in the same clinic. After all, even the best doctor cannot perform a miracle, but the experience of one cycle can help make fertilization more effective.
However, if you are not satisfied with the clinic, it makes sense to change it. The main thing – do not forget to take with you all the documents of the cycle you went through and the results of the tests you underwent.
Don’t be afraid to try again
Many factors influence the number of times you can try, such as your financial situation, your relationships within your family and, of course, your health. The most important thing is to maintain a warm and trusting relationship with your partner regardless of your IVF results. Whether you get the desired result or not, it should not spoil your relationship with your man, because love and understanding in the family is the most important thing you have now, and you should not lose it. Especially since the more positive you both are, the more chances of success the procedure will give you.