The lifespan of a car part, specifically the engine, is determined by various factors. When you purchase an excellent used car from a good dealership, you are investing. The rebuilt engines can easily last over 400,000 km if correctly cared for. However, it is tough, if not impossible, to calculate the precise duration during which your engine would be in pristine condition. It is, however nearly, if not entirely impossible, to figure out how long your engine would last. To answer this question, you need to understand what components influence the engine’s lifespan. This will help you forecast the longevity of the same.
Factors influencing the lifespan of engines
The first aspect that influences the lifespan of your car’s engine is the material it is built of. Most engines are constructed of a variety of methods. However, iron and aluminum are the two most common metals used for engine building. Some engines are also made from a mix of two or more metals. Blocks of iron and aluminum heads are found in many engines of trucks. Iron blocks have been observed to be more durable and last longer than all other types of engines because iron is strong enough to endure extreme heat produced in the engine year after year.
The location where you reside in the next aspect to consider when determining how long your car engine will last. If you live on top of a hill, your engine will die sooner because you will be traveling over rugged terrain regularly. Your engine will undergo more stress than if you had to drive on flat and smooth roads regularly.
The average life of a car engine
If you are inquisitive about how long your used car engine will last, you need to know that there is no specific rule when trying to figure out how long the engine will last. However, the usual lifespan of a car engine is 8 to 9 years or 150,000 to 170,000 miles. When you get a used car engine, you must know how old the engine is or how much mileage it already has. From there, you can calculate how much life the engine has remaining. With the invention of newer models, the longevity of engines has increased to 10 years or 100,000 miles. The engine’s lifespan can provide a rough estimate of how long it can last. However, because most engines’ lifespan is estimated as ten years, in one year, a car is expected to drive 15,000 20,000 miles in three years, it is expected to drive 45,000 60,000 miles.
Another factor that impacts the engine life is the type of driver driving the car. The more the engine is worked, the shorter its lifespan becomes. Other elements to keep in mind are the tires, whether the vehicle is being maintained, etc. Thus, if you regularly maintain your vehicle, even with a rebuilt engine, the car can easily last up to 12 to 13 years.