The Code and Application Audit is a process aimed at discovering security vulnerabilities, security design problems, and deviations from good programming practices; through an in-depth analysis of their source code.

Hard2bit Cybersecurity follows the guidelines set by the OWASP Code Review Guide standard. A source code security review makes it possible to identify those weaknesses that affect the confidentiality, availability or integrity of the information managed by the application, thus eliminating security flaws that could arise in a company when having said applications in production.

The Internet is a space where companies offer critical services of all kinds. All these services are provided through applications whose output interface is web pages. For these reasons, the audit is important, since the web becomes the first point of attack on the entity. An insecure website allows attacks and thefts to the company to be successful, as well as, in the most benevolent of cases, discontinuity in the service can occur.

There are two common techniques used by security auditors. These techniques are:

Static analysis

Dynamic analysis

Static analysis

Static code analysis commonly refers to running static code analysis tools that attempt to highlight potential vulnerabilities within “static” source code by using techniques such as blob analysis and data flow analysis.

Dynamic analysis of programs

It is one that is carried out by executing programs on a real or virtual processor. For dynamic analysis to be effective, the target program must run with enough test inputs to produce meaningful behavior. The use of software testing measures helps to ensure that an appropriate portion of the set of possible program behaviors has been observed.

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