Mountain View in California is a city in the heart of Silicon Valley. It is also home to several high-tech medical fertility clinics with a difference. The city offers several options to anyone who is struggling with infertility. Several factors play a role in fertility. Many women have been surprised to find out that ovarian reserves often play a big part in determining whether or not they can successfully get pregnant. Knowing what these numbers mean may help you understand the steps necessary for pregnancy success. The following are some of your options if you have a Diminished Ovarian Reserve in Mountain View:
Ovarian Reserve Screening
Ovarian reserve screening is another option for women struggling with infertility, and it can help determine the number of eggs you have left. During this procedure, your doctor will draw blood from your arm to check hormone levels. This test will objectively measure the number of hormones present within your ovaries.
Lifestyle Changes
One common reason for women struggling with infertility has to do with the number of eggs available in their ovaries. Egg quantity is often linked to lifestyle choices, including diet and exercise. If you are interested in increasing your egg reserves, talk to your doctor about potential changes that you can make to improve your fertility. For example, American Society for Reproductive Medicine studies has found that women who maintain a healthy BMI over their reproductive years will often have healthier eggs than those who do not. For this reason, you may be able to improve fertility simply by taking better care of yourself.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
PGD is available to women who cannot conceive naturally, and it works by allowing doctors to look at the genes present within an embryo. If there are any abnormalities, the embryo can be tested again for normal gene patterns until they find a healthy one. This process dramatically reduces the chances of miscarriage caused by chromosomal problems in embryos.
In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is another option that may be available to women struggling with fertility. This technique involves taking hormones to stimulate egg production and then harvesting eggs before they are fully mature. Once the eggs have been harvested, they are put in a dish where fertilization can occur. Embryos will develop for three to five days before being implanted in the uterus, which is a good option for women who are uncomfortable with the idea of PGD or whose embryos may not meet usual genetic standards.
If IVF has proven unsuccessful, surrogacy may become an attractive alternative, especially if you have family members who would like to help with child-rearing. For women who may not have a friend or relative willing to be a surrogate, there are specialist agencies that can help you choose from a wide range of qualified surrogates. The process for selecting a surrogate is similar to any other adoption process and should involve careful screening of both parties.
If fertility testing reveals decreased ovarian reserves, eggs can be harvested through procedures like egg donation or IVF. The break will give your body time to rest and rebuild its supply of healthy eggs over several months before you begin trying again for pregnancy. If you are planning on having children in the future, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible for fertility testing.