Sports and fitness enthusiasts around the world are constantly on the lookout for new methods of improving their performance in some or other way. While over the years there have many significant advancements in aspects of diet, supplements, and techniques of mental and physical training, perhaps the greatest impact and benefit of all has come from wearable smart technology.
- Motivation Boosting
Even the best of us has those days where we just can’t bring ourselves to get up off that comfortable sofa. Statistically, most people who join fitness regimes tend to give up before the first six months. Which is still better than those who don’t try at all. Wearables, however, have been shown to dramatically boost motivation towards fitness, cleverly combining useful information about your state of health with engaging activities, as well as regular encouragements to get up and moving.
The ability to easily monitor your progress at any point is also a major factor in the success of wearables in motivating people to exercise more. Adding to this even further, some insurance companies offer benefits for proof that you are exercising via smart apps and wearable devices.
- Fitness, Health, & Safety
Wearables are not only able to give you a generally good idea of your level of health and fitness, but they can also tell you very specific and useful things like your heart rate and blood pressure, and will warn you if you are pushing too hard. They can monitor you while you sleep, and certain wearables can even sample your sweat and give useful information on what you may be lacking, or having too much of, in your diet.
- Tracking & Analysis
Another great benefit of wearables is in tracking your fitness levels and keeping a detailed record for you to analyse down the line. This can greatly aid with fine-tuning your fitness program for maximum effect.
- Adding A Social Aspect
For those that enjoy being social and exercising in groups, wearables can be used to bring friends and family together for fun and engaging exercise activities. This could include nature hikes, custom backyard racecourses, or home exercise gyms with guides on how to use minimal equipment to achieve fun and effective results.
Some online and app-based communities even host regular sporting events like races to take part in, using wearables to track and record the participant’s performance.
- Online Exercise Classes & Workout Videos
Wearables like smart watches now have some sort of browser that allows the user to stream videos just like any other mobile smart device. This is great for streaming instructional workout videos to aid in your exercise.
An Indispensable Aid
Whether for exercise or not, wearable devices clearly have many uses, and will likely soon become indispensable, much like the smart phones we sue for everything from chatting to playing at Lucky Creek. They will also like become more and more specialised for certain sports and activities, providing ever greater benefit and enjoyment.