An affiliate link or affiliate link is simply a unique URL for you that the seller or its affiliate program provides you, so that you can put it on your website and redirect traffic to the product or service. In this way, the seller assigns you an exclusive link with which he can track the traffic you have sent him and, of this, how many have made the conversion. Keep in mind that it is normal for many people to access the website that you promote out of curiosity or to expand information but that, in the end, they do not make any purchase. Check users with the most likes.
Remember that if there is no purchase, there is no commission
The “bad” thing about affiliate urls is that they tend to be unsightly, with a series of numbers and letters that are sometimes endless.
This can be an affiliate link (URL) that you could be assigned:
It is true that you can change the text of the link for a more natural one such as ” buy this product ” or whatever you consider, but if you put the cursor over the link, the endless and unsightly url will appear that many people could throw back. Get more info about crisis management.
That is why many who are dedicated to affiliate marketing change the url for a more friendly one. It is very simple using a wordpress plugin like Pretty Link.
What the plugin does is “mask” the assigned url and change it to another with your domain and the name of the product, for example. If you want to promote a hosting, in the end you could have a URL like this:
The change is remarkable. Now I found this online which helped me and I would like to share with you. It is the review that offered me the right path for affiliate marketing through Evergreen Wealth Formula.
Advantages of the affiliate world
Achieving success with affiliate campaigns requires more than simply putting an affiliate link on your website and waiting for sales. But without a doubt it is one of the most feasible ways to start monetizing a blog.
Advantages of affiliate marketing
You don’t have to create your product or service: And this is a great advantage. It avoids the whole process of creating what you are going to promote.
You do not have to give customer support, or take care of the delivery, or the returns or anything that is unrelated to the promotion thereof.
Your investment level is zero since it does not require any support other than your blog and what you can do with it. It really is not a zero cost since it is more than recommended (we would say that it is essential) that you have tried the product and know it in full. To do this, you will almost certainly have to buy it.
Any Issue that You Would be Looking For:
You are going to need a certain volume of daily traffic, since the conversion percentage is small. Unless you have a niche blog or hyper-segmented traffic and the product fits perfectly with what your audience needs.
You have to work it well and not put affiliate links at full blast because you are going to saturate your audience. You will need to persuade them and offer them something that adds a lot of value to them. You are getting clients for a third party, not for yourself. They will not leave you their email or you will not know who they are. It is normal since you are an intermediary of the company. You can go to the site.