Over 12 % of women in their childbearing age struggle with infertility. In one way or another, this population struggles to get pregnant. If you have unsuccessfully tried to conceive, you must seek fertility testing to understand the cause of your condition. You might have heard many reasons that lead to infertility in Lake Mary, but you ought to find out from the experts. Although the chances are that either you or your partner could be the cause of your condition, it is crucial to understand the main reasons behind infertility as a woman. Here are six main issues associated with infertility in women.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Most women who have infertility are diagnosed with PCOS making it the most popular reason for failure to conceive. PCOS can occur when you experience a hormonal imbalance that leads to small cysts in your ovaries. The condition will compromise your whole menstrual cycle leading to irregular periods or no periods. Shockingly, you can live with the condition without noticing unless you see your doctor if you experience problems with your periods.


When your uterine tissues start to grow in other parts like the ovaries, fallopian tube, or behind the uterus can cause irritation and the development of scar tissues. This growth can be very painful and make getting pregnant harder when the fallopian tubes are blocked. The condition can also disrupt implantation, alter egg quality, and cause inflammation of the pelvis. However, experts suggest that getting pregnant earlier can increase despite endometriosis. Another fortunate news is that endometriosis can be treated to improve your chances of conceiving.

Hormonal Factors

Some hormonal factors can affect your ovulation, making it difficult to get pregnant. Irregular ovulation has been attributed to over 25 % of infertility cases, and PCOS is the leading cause of infertility, with over 70 % cases of irregular ovulation. However, hormonal imbalances can affect and interrupt ovulation in various ways, lessening your chances of becoming pregnant. C

Additionally, changes in levels of the hormone prolactin, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone can all impact ovulation.

Reproductive Growths, STIs and other Infections

Other anatomical changes in your uterus besides endometriosis can also impact your fertility. Infections in your fallopian tubes can affect your ability to get pregnant. When left untreated, STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea can also lead to infections in your fallopian tubes, blocking them. This blockage makes it difficult for the sperm and the egg to meet, making conception difficult. Although the blockage can be surgically removed, your doctor may recommend IVF to eliminate the fallopian tube in the whole process of getting pregnant.

Delaying too Long to Get Pregnant

Trying to get pregnant while still young is highly recommended since you have quality eggs, increasing your chances of becoming pregnant when other factors are eliminated. Waiting to have your first child at 35 increases your chances of experiencing difficulties. Therefore, note that the longer you wait to have children, the greater the chances of having complications.

Unhealthy Body Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight minimizes your risks for pregnancy complications. Being obese or overweight can affect your pituitary gland, making it malfunction, which can spark ovulation complications. Luckily, unhealthy body weight is a cause of infertility that can be reversed. Work with your doctor to ensure you maintain healthy body weight at all times.

Knowing the cause of your infertility is the initial step towards finding a solution. Reach out to Christopher K Quinsey, MD, to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition. Dr. Quinsey will evaluate several factors and assess your overall health to get to the root of your condition. 

Author Clare Louise

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