Excess fat and skin accumulate around the middle of the stomach area during regular physical changes, including the aging process, weight fluctuations, and childbirth. Also, you will find that diet and exercise can be unsuccessful at reclaiming the curvaceous waist you once owned. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a surgery that sculpts the waistline and smoothes the stomach. It ensures long-term results since it repairs weakened and damaged abdominal muscles and tightens the abdomen.

However, as a prospective patient, you must be aware of the potential positives and risks of the operation. Before committing to an abdominoplasty, you should first consider the following;

Why It’s Done?

A tummy tuck tightens weak fascia and removes excess fat and skin. It can also eliminate stretch marks in the lower abdomen below the belly button. Despite that, it cannot correct stretch marks anywhere else apart from this area. Your East Windsor tummy tuck surgeon might include your existing C-section scar into your tummy scar if you had a C-section before. Combining your tummy tuck with breast surgery and other contouring cosmetic operations is also possible.

Since liposuction gets rid of tissue just below the skin and fat but not any skin, you may need a tummy tuck. However, your doctor might advise against an abdominoplasty if you;

  • Considering getting pregnant in the future
  • Plan to lose a considerable amount of weight
  • Are a regular smoker
  • Suffer from any chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease
  • Have significant scar tissue from a previous abdominal surgery
  • Have a body mass index higher than 30

Risks associated with tummy tucks

Some of the risks associated with tummy tucks include;

Poor Wound Healing

Occasionally, you may notice that areas along the incision line begin to separate or heal poorly. If it happens, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics during and after the procedure to prevent an infection.

Accumulation of Fluid Beneath The Skin

Drainage tubes are left after surgery to minimize the risk of excess fluid. Your surgeon might also use a needle and syringe to remove accumulated fluid after surgery.

Tissue Damage

It mainly affects the fatty tissue deep in your skin around the abdominal area. Smoking increases its risk. Although the damaged tissue might heal on its own, you may need a touch-up procedure. 

How Do You Prepare?

During your assessment by a plastic surgeon, they will likely do the following;

Carry Out a Physical Exam

They will examine your abdomen to determine your treatment options. Also, the physician might have to take photos of your stomach for your medical record.

Review Your Medical Records

You should be ready to answer queries about your past and current medical conditions. Along with any surgery you have had, inform the physician about any medications you have recently taken or are currently taking.

Talk About Your Expectations

Discuss why you want a tummy tuck and expect after the surgical procedure. However, it would be best to keep in mind that past operations might restrict your results.

Regardless of the kind of abdominoplasty you want, you should only trust a certified plastic surgeon with the task. They should offer a range of tools to ease you towards abdominoplasty, from before and after pictures to informative animations. You can achieve the flat, tight abdomen you desire with an experienced aesthetic provider and proper research.

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